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The. Margaret may treat Dana kindly now, but Dana still has to submit all of her time to Margaret and her whims. Rufus tries to guilt Dana with familial obligation (although this also brings up the . Though born a free black woman, Alice becomes a slave of the Weylin estate after the arrest of her first husband, Isaac Jackson. Eventually, Alice killed her self since she feels that . Her suicide, counter. Greene started with Bendrix, then in Book Three he changed the narrator to Sarahs point of view. First, I wouldn't say that Dana finds herself caught in the middle of the . Lily doesnt want to discourage him but she like most others has never heard of a black lawyer before. They become friend after the date at lunch and eventually their friendship changed to relationship. Why does Alice do it? She waits for Rufus to wake up, hoping that Alice and Isaac will have a good head start in fleeing. Think about the contrast between her marriage to Kevin being illegal in the 1800's, and Rufus' actions toward Alice being legal. Sarah comes in with the tea, looking much older, and Dana goes to get the Excedrin from her bag in the attic. Lily believes all African Americans are uneducated and laborers like Rosaleen. Though Kevins presence was helpful to Dana in the past, it is more important that he stay away from that poisonous society and give Dana a safe home to come back to in the present. Outward conformity often oppresses a characters true feelings of loneliness and being misunderstood. Does Alice also use Dana? Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. A black man." A dangerous sense of distance has come between the couple that must be addressed if they ever want to fit into the present once more. When Rufus demands that she talk Alice into having sex with him, Dana sees the temper and cruelty of which others have spoken. She hates Dana's hold over Kevin. Women slaves get raped, beaten, and tortured by the crew. Latest answer posted October 04, 2018 at 2:47:27 PM. The Fight (9-16) 1. What you should focus on is why Dana keeps being sent back in time. The needs and well-being of other residents of the plantation create a web of obligation that is difficult to navigate. But in the end, Alice goes to Rufus. The kind of diseases and infections is Dana worried that Alice might get in kindered was communicable diseases.. What happens to Alice in Kindred? He is horrified by her injuries, he demands that . He avoids what society would usually do and he goes his own way into making prominent decisions. Decades later, a modernized version of the play called, Salem Falls written by Jodi Picoult. The strengths of this book I feel are the points it brings up that relationships between slaves and whites all depended on the owner of the slaves and it was different from plantation to plantation but with that they all each had stuff in common. 1824. Let me think: was I the same when I got up this morning? If Rufus dies, or if Dana lets him die, the slaves will all be sold with no thought for family bonds. Dana must also battle her conscience. Kevins time in the past has clearly marked him. Alices encounters with the other characters in Wonderland push her to ponder about her own identity. Dana stays faithful to Kevin, both out of love for her husband and careful consideration for the other slaves who would have to pay for Rufuss jealousy. How does Dana lose her arm in Kindred? She is never the same after this and gains the desire to run away more after he is gone. Does Alice use Dana? Rufus Weylin - The inconsistent, power-drunk slave owner and the father of one of Dana's ancestors. What does Dana do while she is waiting to return to the past? Choose a specific incident and determine who holds power over whom; assess how it affects that situation. Dana finds herself caught in the middle of the relationship between Rufus and Alice. In many ways, he seems to love Alice. Teaching Rufus. Dana finds herself caught in the middle of the relationship between Rufus and Alice. He also looks for the easy way out when Dana blames him for Tesss sale, blaming his fever and his debts for this choice. About how old is Rufus at the beginnning of The Fight? What job does Kevin have while on the Weylin plantation? 15. Dana's ancestor, son of Tom Weylin and heir to the plantation, master of Alice, father of Joe and Hagar. Meanwhile, Dana has to again save Rufus to keep herself safe, this time wary of a punishment from Tom if Rufus worsens. Dana states: "It was that destructive single . 16. What remark does Rufus make about Dana's pants? For three months, Amari faced so many challenges on her trip to America, to become a slave. How does Rufus control Dana? This is made possible by the presence of an overseer who handles discipline so that the master can retain the appearance of love and care for his slaves. 5. Does Alice also use Dana? Latest answer posted June 14, 2008 at 5:26:23 PM. Dana hadn't considered the possibility. Why does Rufus use Dana to get Alice? You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. When Dana and Kevin return from the past together, she thinks: "I felt as though I were losing my place here in my own time. How does Kevin's feelings about Dana's time travel change once he travels back in time with her? Dana and Kevin feel an obligation to help those people and so define their home based on where their community is. Rufus and Dana's changing relationship is important because without this relationship Rufus wouldn't have stayed alive long enough to have Dana's ancestor. Dana agrees to help. The narratives detail what living a slaves life entailed. zlatan ibrahimovic parents nationality / corrupt boston police officers / how does rufus use dana to get to alice. 9. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. LitCharts Teacher Editions. 12. He knows that Alice is not interested in him; in fact, she has flat out rejected his advancements, an embarrassment he can not. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. The needs and well-being of other residents of the plantation create a web of obligation that is difficult to navigate. "The Storm" 1. Dana states: "It was that destructive single . Ferns ancestor had known the benefits of having lighter skin and had moved elsewhere to pass as white, knowing that they did not have to settle as second class citizens; Some of Ferns people had gone white, disappearing across the color line and never looking back (Jones 74). She getts whipped and sold into slavery. Share . She turns. world darts commentators By On Jun 30, 2022. 1117 FEBRUARY 2023. Rufus, besides all the advantage he can have over her for the reasons mentioned previously, likes power. 9. 18 or 19 years old. Both stories are examples of Magical Realism. To begin with Dana sees Rufus as a child needing or relying upon her protection. Mayor Alice, Father Wilmer, Pastor Liz, the Bunsens and Krebsbachs, formerly taciturn elders, burst into political rants, inappropriate confessions, and rhapsodic proclamations, while their teenagers watch in amazement. This is not accepted in any form during this day and age. Significantly, Dana seems to lose her arm because Rufus keeps hold of her wrist when she transports Rufus abuses Dana on the subject of Kevin, suggesting that maybe Kevin wants to be with "his own kind." Although baffled, he does agree to Dana's request that he call her a black woman. Yet Rufus does not respect either woman as he should, making this relationship far more unhealthy and detrimental than Dana and Kevin's marriage. Unlock full access to Course Hero. Despite the insistence of the Lady that Everythings got an ethical, if solely you can realize it (Carroll, 1993, p.89), Alice finds no ethical here in Wonderland, unless the thought that you just should learn to air your own to fight your own battle in an exceedingly hostile environment. He longs to be loved but expects to always get his way, using coercion and violence if he is denied. Throughout the book Kevin, Dana and Alice present potential power over Rufus. Dana states: "It was that destructive single-minded love of his. To teach Rufus tolerance. What does the author suggest with the changes in Dana and Kevin they realize when they return to their own time? In this retelling of the story, Alyss is a princess in the queendom of Wonderland. Alice has to risk running away in order to reassert her independence. eNotes Editorial, 28 Mar. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Rufus always looks for the easy way out, as when he asks Dana for a modern pen instead of dealing with the tricky ink pens of his time. Dana seems to be transported back in time to a location that is near Rufus, and every single time Rufus is in grave danger: he is near drowning, he has broken his leg, or he is about to. See Page 1. Dana hopes that she and Kevin can rebuild their relationship enough to make each other their home once more. Alice may be a kid getting into a world of adults ranging from the neurotic White Rabbit, to the meddling Duchess and psychopathological Queen of Hearts. In-text citation: ("The Relationship Between Dana and Rufus in Kindred.") And also, after Alice's death, there is relationship with Dana as a black woman like Alice. Why does Rufus use Dana to get to Alice? As Rufus grow up, he becomes likely white person in slavery time. how does rufus use dana to get to alice how does rufus use dana to get to alice. She is sent back to the past to save her ancestor Rufus's life, and has to adjust to life as a slave. The needs and well-being of other residents of the plantation create a web of obligation that is difficult to navigate. 16. Posted on July 4, 2022 Author July 4, 2022 Author celebrity wifi packages cost. Why does Rufus try to make Dana doubt that Kevin is coming back? Lily struggles with her own stereotypes and learns to overcome them by finding healing and hope among friends who dont judge you (Smith 2). Does Alice also use Dana? Dana seems to be transported back in time to a location that is near Rufus, and every single time Rufus is in grave danger: he is near drowning, he has broken his leg, or he is about to receive a beating that could end his life. His desire for power is exploited upon Leona. Why does Rufus use Dana to get to Alice? Why does Dana refuse to leave the house after her first "trip"? Dana does everything she can, even though she hates Tom, and receives no thanks for her effort. In other words, Edna outwardly conforms while questioning inwardly. He uses the same emotional manipulation that his father used on Sarah, leveraging the well-being of Alices children for Alices complete loyalty. However, Jacobs emotional memories and obstacles of being a female slave make a stronger connection to the reader who is capable of feeling her emotions through the intense words she wrote., Community and personal relations are portrayed as a key element in shaping the female slaves experience. These poor choices can greatly affect the ones you care about along the world around you. Yet Hagar is also Danas ticket out of slavery, as Dana can now run away from the Weylin estate for goodRufus may well die, but Dana does not have to care because her family line is already in motion. For instance, when Dana saved him from drowning in the river. In one passage she cries and feels pity for herself, and in the following she expresses maternal compassion and care for others. Dana feels obligated to make sure that Kevin continued to fight for abolition and equality even when he was surrounded by a society that promised him total impunity and immense power as a white male. In both versions, The Crucible and Salem Falls, the audience learns that jealousy blinds decision-making and ultimately leads to discontent; however, since Picoults antagonist atones for her jealousy, audiences are more satisfied with the movies ending. Rufus uses Alice as a victim for Dana to protect because her queue to leave would be her future child, Hagar. Rufus tries to have power over Dana and Alice who are both black. Accessed 5 Mar. When she was young, she was friends with and often played with white children. Meanwhile, Rufus seems to see both Alice and Dana as two halves of a wife, with Alice providing the romantic component and Dana supplying the work partnership and companionship. In contrast, Nigel is a doting father to his sons, and Alice clearly loves Joe fiercely even if she hates how Joe was conceived. This view was quickly altered and changed as the little girl named Essie-Mae Moody grew up fast in a society dominated by racial boundaries involving whites, blacks and a hierarchy of people who had parts of both. Why does Rufus use Dana to get to Alice? Rufus Weylin - The inconsistent, power-drunk slave owner and the father of one of Dana's ancestors.Rufus rapes and enslaves Alice and attempts to rape and enslave Dana. Her Aunt Redd takes over the throne as Queen Alyss is cast out of Wonderland and has to find her way home to retake her throne. Why does Rufus use Dana to get to Alice? She wrote late at night, and to make ends meet, she did menial jobs assigned to her by a temp office, which they called a "slave market." While working at an auto parts warehouse, she met Kevin. For example in the Chapter II, after having experienced dramatic transformations in size by eating and drinking, she meets the White Rabbit in the hall. from Dordt University. She is never the same after this and gains the desire to run away more after he is gone. Complete your free account to request a guide. 10. 16. Rufus uses Dana to get to Alice because he knows that he can. Does Alice also use Dana? Danas guilt for how comparatively easy her life is keeps her from standing up to the field hands. Only then does she see the fireplace in the room where she could have safely let the drapes burn, but luckily the curtains land . First, the slave mothers central concern is her relationship with her children. Rufus's charming ways makes it easy, for Dana and for us, to forget that his behavior is frequently monstrous. Edward P. Jones, I, Mattie Curtis, have already done the unacceptable. Why does Rufus use Dana to get to Alice? From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. When Alice and Issac are captured and returned what is Alice's punishment? Dana rolls Rufus onto his back and assesses the injuries, deeming them fairly minimal. Unpolished Gem is a thought provoking tale that explores the journey of Alice Pung from girl to woman. The Crucible is a play written by Arthur Miller, based on the Salem witch trials that took place in the early 1700s. flashlight that starts fires; pebble beach directions; phantom regiment drum major; kenosha military academy; food we eat lesson plan for kindergarten; howard high school classes; Tom refuses to listen to Dana, and expects her to do his bidding without even a promise that she will not be beaten again. Why does Rufus use Dana to get Alice? For example, in the stories House Taken Over and The Feather Pillow the authors use transformation and scary elements that happen to the charters to frighten us. Dana realizes that if Sarah were around in . The needs and well-being of other residents of the plantation create a web of obligation that is difficult to navigate. 16. What goal, other than keeping Rufus alive, does Dana set for herself while living on the plantation? Click to see full answer. Dana is called to save his life starting when he is a young boy; she remains with him until she kills him when he tries to rape her after Alice's death. Choose a specific incident and determine who holds power over whom; assess how it affects the situation. Most of all, she hates Dana's independence. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. Malene's convinced the Presbyterians are behind the shenanigans. Alices constant changes in size are puzzling for her. He wasn't going to beat me. Dana could kill Rufus, though that would cost the whole plantation to being sold.