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You may download a Provider Directory below. If you would like help scheduling an appointment, please call our Member Hotline at 1-855-699-6262. People on Medicaid will get services using one or more of these plan types: Managed Medical Assistance (MMA): Provides Medicaid covered medical services like doctor visits, hospital care, prescribed drugs, mental health care, and transportation to these services. If you are a DentaQuest Medicaid member or dental provider that needs . Regular preventive dental checkups are very important. Gender. Franais: Si vous ne parlez pas anglais, appelez-nous au 1-855-699-6262. You can call Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. 8 p.m. (excluding national holidays). Kreyol ayisyen: Si ou pa pale lang Angl, rele nou nan 1-855-699-6262. To find the nearest dentist in your area, you may call DentaQuest at (888) 696-9541. Adult members ages 18 and above enrolled in the Florida Medicaid Dental Health Program are also entitled to receive a $10 Gift Card*. Sign in for quick access to your oral health information, learn about your benefits, find a dentist and more. Toby the Dental X-Pert explains what children can expect on their first visit to the dentist! Take our risk assessment and find out if you have a high, medium or low risk. In alignment with the states goals, DentaQuest will continue promoting prevention-focused oral care and investing in improved oral health outcomes and access to care for all Floridians through programs and partnerships with community organizations. Medicaid recipients in Florida can pick from three statewide dental plans: 1. Dentist - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Optometrist - Optometrist Optometrist - Corneal and Contact Management Optometrist - Low Vision Rehabilitation Optometrist - Pediatrics Optometrist - Sports Vision Optometrist - Vision . DentaQuest Observes National Children's Dental Health Month With New And Ongoing Partnerships In addition to being one of the three dental plans to directly administer the dental Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Program, we also serve Medicare Advantage members and individuals and families . Ofrecemos servicios de interpretacin y podemos ayudarle a responder preguntas en su idioma. Learn more at and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Benefits, formulary, pharmacy network, premium, and/or copayments/co-insurance may change. Does Medicaid pay for braces in Florida? Dr. Patel's mission is to provide comprehensive dental services to all patients in an environment . Children should begin seeing a dentist by age 1, even if they do not have teeth yet. Thank you for choosing DentaQuest. Be sure to update your contact information through your MyAccess account. In Florida, most Medicaid recipients are enrolled in the Statewide Medicaid Managed Care program. Moreover, files can be shared on social networks. Visit our Dentists page for state-specific contact information. : -, 1-855-699-6262. ey serve reside in some of the hardest hit areas devastated by Hurricane Ian. We are proud to provide the dental benefits for children and adults in the Florida Medicaid Dental Health Program. Qualifying preventive service codes include any within D1000-D1999. DentaQuest, the nations leading purpose-driven oral health care organization, was selected as one of three program administrators. DentaQuest Donates $500,000 to Support Hurricane Ian Relief Efforts in Florida, the nations largest provider of Medicaid and CHIP dental solutions, , today announced a $500,000 contribution to the, , which assists Floridas communities as they respond to and recover during times of disaster. Plan. Many of the people they serve reside in some of the hardest hit areas devastated by Hurricane Ian. If you dont need to print the dentaquest florida medicaid provider manual, you can print the specific page you need. Toby the Dental X-Pert joins his friends Emma and Zach to play Tooth Trivia and to learn some cool dental tips! Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth. Choose an option below to find the closest office for you. Pregnant members can get a free dental kit that includes a toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss. These people are called choice counselors and they provide services free of charge. Also, unhealthy teeth can cause problems with speaking. There is a severe weather alert issued in the State of Florida. Review claims status. Check member eligibility status. Possiamo anche aiutarti a trovare un fornitore di servizi sanitari che parli la tua lingua. Florida Statewide Medicaid Dental Health Plan Member Services: 888-468-5509. To earn this reward, the child must see the dentist for an initial dental exam and preventive service when they join our plan. Once enrolled in a plan, the plan itself can help you: You can avoid extra costs by checking that your drugs are on theAgency for Health Care Administrations Preferred Drug List. We also offer free mobile apps on theApple App StoreandGoogle Play. Florida Healthy Kids recently awarded DentaQuest a contract to continue providing dental managed care to enrollees in the state's CHIP program. These people are called choice counselors and they provide services free of charge. Take the time to review some of the valuable oral health information we have compiled for you. Call 877-711-3662 to speak with a Florida Medicaid Choice Counselor. Click on the link for your state Boston, Oct. 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) DentaQuest, the nation's largest provider of Medicaid and CHIP dental solutions, today announced a $500,000 contribution to the Florida Disaster Fund, which assists Florida's communities as they respond to and recover during times of disaster. Limitations, copayments, and/or restrictions may apply. If you live in Florida, you or your children may qualify for Medicaid dental care! Visit this page for more information, including PDFs of . To speak with a choice counselor, call the Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Help Line toll free at 1-877-711-3662 (TDD 1-866-467-4970) or visit Florida Medicaid Dental: Dental Care for Your Health More than 2 million Texas Medicaid and CHIP dental members trust their dental care to DentaQuest. We have been in business for over 25 years. Responder a: Dentaquest florida medicaid provider manual. Just enter the keywords in the search field and find what you are looking for! And what is even better all our files are FREE to download. The State of Florida will let you know that you have been assigned to one of three insurance companies to manage your dental needs. For more information, contact the Managed Care Plan. Parents or guardians of MCNA members ages 0-18 enrolled in the Florida Medicaid Dental Health Program are entitled to receive a $10 Gift Card* per child. Click hereto download a Provider Directory for your region. Brushing, flossing, and avoiding sugary food and drinks can help keep your teeth and gums healthy. Transportation is a covered benefit. As part of its mission to improve the oral health of all, DentaQuest is expanding access to dental care in three Florida Panhandle counties, all designated as dental health professional shortage areas (HPSAs). Our unique care management model and progressive technology enables us to care for both children and adult members, including pregnant women and those with special needs. We will send a $10 Gift Card to the email address provided. If you are a DentaQuest Medicaid member or dental provider that needs support, please contact: (877) 468-5581 (Providers) or (888) 468-5509 (Members). . Download / Read Online Dentaquest florida medicaid provider manual In addition to supporting the rebuilding efforts, DentaQuest, provides government dental services in the state and continues to work with Medicaid enrollees and dentists to help those affected by the storm get the support they need. Upload necessary documentation. , . Contact the private company administering your plan for details about how Florida determines eligibility. We work with a group of dental providers to help meet your dental needs. Clients can call toll-free at 1-888-286-2447 (TTY: 1-800-466-7566) for assistance. You can get these FREE benefits plus your standard dental benefits and Gift Card. Savings of 25%-60% Off Regular Fees (click link below for discounted fee schedule), Orthodontic Treatment Is Included For Children and Adults, Cosmetic Dentistry Is Included (includes teeth whitening). Problems with your teeth can affect your overall health. Last accessed: January 19, 2023. You can either read dentaquest florida medicaid provider manual online or download it to your computer. Humana Inc. and its subsidiaries comply with all applicable federal civil rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, marital status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, or disability. Choice Counselors are available at 1-877-711-3662 to answer your questions M-TH 8am-8pm, F 8am-7pm ET. The benefit information provided is a brief summary, not a complete description of benefits. Visit for more information. DentaQuest works with more than 1,800 dental providers in the state of Florida who serve roughly two million Floridians. Looking for a dentaquest florida medicaid provider manual online? As an organization dedicated to both social and financial impact, this contribution is a step to help these communities in Florida recover and rebuild.. Parent/guardian or adult member must be at least 18 years of age to claim the Gift Card. Sign up for our newsletter and well deliver the latest industry insights straight to your inbox. DentaQuest manages dental benefits for 27 million members. They can prevent serious dental conditions from happening. We have access to interpreter services and can help answer your questions in your language. We also offer Braille and large-print versions for visually impaired members. Infants, and Children (WIC) BP - AHCA Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Long-Term Care ; Florida State Health Online Tracking System (SHOTS) AIM Specialty Health (diagnostic and imaging service . You qualify based on your familys income. Our internal discount plan enables patients without dental insurance to receive discounted fees on dental procedures provided by Greenberg Dental & Orthodontics. You will also find the correct number on the back of your ID card. Please call our Florida Member Hotline at 1-855-699-6262 if you have any questions. Benefit Disclaimer: MCNA Dental is a Managed Care Plan with a Florida Medicaid Contract. Our youngest members will get a reminder about their first dental checkup by their first birthday. DentaQuests donation marks the beginning of a series of activities to help Floridians in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian.