'+ document.editor.code.disabled=false This whole conversion process to get the HTML that you can paste into your site. Click on the URL button, Enter URL and Submit. document.editor.temp1.value = document.editor.code.value //alert(val) re3 = new RegExp("\s?class=\w+"); { It also converts Text documents to HTML. document.editor.elements[28].click(); Take the hard work out of coding HTML to Javascript. alert(msg) ''+nl+ Correct, docx files are XML. function addLink() { ' '+ // Steve Forster (stevs.net) // secondLastC = bulkval.split(nl+nl) function setCookie(name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) { if (n > 0) { } return false; document.editor.temp.value = cv1 if(document.editor.code.value.indexOf("")>=0) {noIllegals=false;} secondLastC = bulkval.split(nl+nl) var bulkval = document.editor.temp.value function do_CPlus() { document.editor.btOpt.style.borderStyle='outset'; See. function do_Rebol() { document.editor.temp1.value = document.editor.code.value r5 = q5.join("i>") If you have to convert hundreds of files to HTML, use commercial software that can convert them all at once. function do_PHP() { The Web Code Converter provides a quick easy way to convert HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, CSS and other web based languages into JavaScript, TypeScript, VBScript, LotusScript, ASP, PHP, JSP, Ruby, Rebol, Lisp, C#, Perl, and Python. if (getCookie(name)) { ' body { font-family:Arial; }'+nl+ cv1 = secondLastC.join('') if (begin == -1) if(document.editor.btOpt.style.borderStyle=='inset') { if(ss) { m = bulk.split('"') */ setTimeout("convertToCplusa()",10); 'weekdayArr = new Array("Sunday, ","Monday, ","Tuesday, ","Wednesday, ","Thursday, ","Friday, ","Saturday, ")'+nl+ if(q!="" || q!=null) { r1 = q1.join(nl+" ") Sorry for there is no any known way to convert the HTML files to word file in Microsoft flow currently. function convertToPythonc() txt = bulk Plus, this requires Word to be installed, isn't it? newcode = txt2html1.innerHTML m = bulk.split('"') for(i=0;i") Step 1 - Upload DOC file. cv1 = secondLastC.join(nl) ahe = 'a' if (document.editor.menu.selectedIndex == 0) ""; Source text: Options: split output into multiple lines. setTimeout("query2()",150) function do_TS() { ''; function convertToPERLc() '4'+ Especially the javascript version. func = document.editor.func.value Download your HTML file. function getNewLine() { Using MS Word built-in save as HTML option. Thanks for the reply. myFonts = fontList.innerHTML; } } p = bulkval.split('= 0)'+nl+ secondLastC = bulkval.split(nl+nl) A PDF file appears exactly like the Word document, and it can be displayed inline in a web browser. } document.editor.temp.value = cv1 t=' "'+nl+'Print "' document.editor.temp1.value = document.editor.code.value Is it correct to use "the" before "materials used in making buildings are"? setTimeout("convertToCSharpb()",10); function convertToVBSb() 'themonth = thedate.getMonth();'+nl+ } document.editor.temp.value = m.join('"') document.editor.temp.value = o.join(t) } document.editor.btOpt.disabled=true; var begin = dc.indexOf(prefix); { var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", begin); ' '+nl+ convertToJSWd() document.editor.loadme.click(); } ]", "g"); location.href = l; txt2html1.innerHTML = r2; function convertToCSharpSd() r8 = r7.split(re4); m = bulk.split('"') document.editor.temp.value = cv1 (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), Step 3: Use the "Document. } It's the button below the form. } function convert_Bulk1() This method does not convert HTML to PDF directly, but instead first converts HTML to Word then converts Word to PDF. If so, how close was it? Some options are Doc Converter Pro (formerly Word Cleaner) and NCH Doxillion. document.editor.temp1.value = poptext; Word to HTML. secondLastC = bulkval.split('Response.Write ("\\n") ') function convertToJSWa() document.editor.temp.value = cv1 The other big issue with using Word is it creates overly complex non-standard HTML. } document.editor.elements[28].disabled=false; Once the upload is complete, right-click the document in drive, select Open with, and then select Google Docs. ''+ 'day = weekdayArr[theday]; '+nl+ } '
'+nl+ if(document.editor.code.style.fontSize==fontSizArray[i] && fontSizArray[i] !=fontSizArray[6]) {sz=fontSizArray[j];} { } function convert_Bulk() r3 = q3.join("strong>") Asalegacyof the well-known but discontinued WordOff online tool we wanted to keep the user interface as simple as possible and adding many new features according to our visitors' feedbacks. if(document.editor.sel.value=="perl"){do_PERL()}else { var bulkval = document.editor.temp.value document.editor.temp.value = poptext "; path=" + path : "") + document.editor.txtUp.disabled=false; ah = 'a href' Click the "Choose Files" button to select your files. Enter your email address below and we'll send you password reset instructions. Since Word documents and HTML files are very different, the finished HTML webpage may not contain the same formatting as the original. re4 = new RegExp("v:stroke[(\w|\W)+? cv1 = secondLastC.join(nl) document.editor.temp1.value = document.editor.code.value toppos = window.screenTop - 23 cv1 = secondLastC.join(nl) en=''; Go to the File tab and choose Save As or Save a Copy to save the document. txt = document.body.createTextRange(); } To upload a WORD file, click within the file drop box or drag the WORD file into this area. } Gembox works pretty well. As a small thank you, wed like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at GoNift.com). if(document.editor.temp.value.indexOf(nl+nl,0)>=0) {convertToCplusc();} else function convertTolotusScripta() ''+nl+ if(document.editor.code.value.indexOf("")>=0) {noIllegals=false;} function findInPage(store) { You will also notice that Word does not use the standard HTML Li and ul list tags. q=prompt("Enter your preffered font",face) } now.setTime(now.getTime() + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); /* Aspose Cloud provides a powerful document conversion PHP library, designed to convert Word documents in PHP to and from Word-based formats, and also supports documents in various OpenOffice formats, E-Mail formats, PDF, HTML, Markdown, Postscript, XAML and plain text. ' '+nl+ If youre looking for general HTML tips, check out how to, If you're okay with losing some of the advanced layout code in favor of a simpler file, select, To see the regular HTML (not "cleaned up") from the conversion, click the, To see a preview of how the code would look in a web browser, click the, To copy the code so you can paste it elsewhere, click the. 'style="padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; z-index: 100; left: -1px; padding-bottom: 4px; width: 218px; color: #ffffee; padding-top: 4px; position: absolute; top: -1px; height: 183px; background-color: #7733ff;filter:Alpha(Opacity=100, FinishOpacity=10, Style=2, StartX=0, StartY=0, FinishX=232, FinishY=125)">'+nl+ private string ConvertWordToHTML (Body content, MainDocumentPart wDoc) {. 'print "content-type: text/html^/"'+nl+cv1} ' '+nl+ } q = confirm(msg) document.cookie = name + "=" + document.all.general.style.visibility="visible"; { document.editor.code.value = r6; document.editor.temp.value = cv1 re2 = new RegExp("(\n\r){2,}", "g"); Converting text into C-like literal, escaping newlines, tab, double quotes, backslash. o = val1.split("'") } wrap=off class=day style="margin-top:10px;margin-left:20px;border-right: 1px inset; border-top: 1px inset; font-size: 10pt; border-left: 1px inset; border-bottom: 1px inset; font-family: courier; font-size:8pt; scrollbar-base-color: #cccccc; z-index:-1; '+nl+ function convertToRubyb() { This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Kyle Smith. txt2html.style.zIndex = 100; This works good for me, however, be careful, if you are processing many documents, you can use only one instance of Application object, creating that object is almost a full second wasted each time. ((secure) ? t=' ]'+nl+'print [' if(document.editor.sel.value=="ms"){cleanUpWord()}else In comparison, this is the code generated with WordToHTML.net when you upload a document and convert it. In such cases, the font may appear garbled in output results. // // Insert your code when the HTML tab is active and switch to Word Editor. cv1 = secondLastC.join(nl) } pos = "window.moveTo("+leftpos+","+toppos+")" } 'VBScript'+ r3 = q3.join(""+"49;"); Clean HTML (A good starting base for web content.) var bulkval = document.editor.temp.value ''+nl+ Pasting code into the textarea and clicking the Convert button . Only you have access to your files. Apart from practical issues like server space web pages with lots of code that are longer to download. ''+ Yes, At the client end MS-Word is not installed , so i have to complete the job using the word viewer component only. No problem. if(val!="" || val!="add_a_font") { var bulk = document.editor.temp1.value function convertTodo_TypeSciptb() function do_JS() { function fontDown(){ ' Font Size'+ ' '+ document.editor.temp.value = m.join('\\"') } Paste the document you want to convert in the Word Editor, then switch to HTML view using the big tabs at the top of the page to generate the code. function disableJS(){ HTML to Plain TEXT Converter Online works well on Windows, MAC, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. ' '+nl+nl+nl+ Check out, All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. ''+nl+ if(document.editor.code.value.indexOf("")>=0) {noIllegals=false;} By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. function convertToCplusc() The process is very simple with this free online tool and it requirest just a few simple steps: Word HTML is the perfect tool to edit the source code of WordPress articles or any other content management system when their built in composer doesn't provide all functionalities we need. google.co.uk/search?q=.docx+rename+to+.zip, Convert Word to HTML then render HTML on webpage, How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability. Or, open a new, blank document and enter the text you want to convert to an HTML file. var bulkval = document.editor.temp.value function returnHTML() { There's no need to download any software or register - conversion can be done in minutes with just a few clicks. function convertToASPa() document.editor.txtDown.disabled=false; msg = "\tactivate this feature?\t\t"; var bulkval = document.editor.temp.value "; domain=" + domain : "") + alert("Press Convert to finish the demo"); var bulk = document.editor.temp1.value It's very easy to compose, edit, format and minify the web code with this online tool. let's create a webpage from scratch Open Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell. ''; v = 'value' {document.editor.code.value = cv1} Create Converter object to convert DOC document. '
'+nl+ secondLastC = bulkval.split(' "" & vbCrLf &_') To use Google Drive, start by signing in to Google Drive in a web browser. } document.title="There is no code to convert" else if (doc== 2) checkboxLink(); ' '+nl+ } ' '+nl+ Convert word to html, clean html, edit text or html online, save html code and more. document.editor.elements[26].click(); var bulkval = document.editor.temp.value //document.title=str 'the script tags don\'t need to be included.' re7 = new RegExp("(\n\r){2,}"); 'Form Button'+nl+ Create an instance of Converter class and load the WORD file with full path; Create & set ConvertOptions for the html type; Call Converter.Convert method and pass the full path and format (HTML) as . We can advise you on the best strategy for your needs. function doFont(what){ ' Popup Window '+nl+ If you have Microsoft Word on your computer, you can resave the DOC/DOCX file as an HTML file without installing additional software. } Freeonline WordtoHTML converter with built-in code cleaning features and easy switch between the visual and source editors. This service is a versatile Word to HTML converter. } r11 = r10.join(""); document.editor.temp.value = m.join('\\"') val1 = prompt('Enter the status bar description',"Click here to visit") function whatsScriptTags(){ } secondLastC = bulkval.split(nl+nl) function convertToVBSd() ' scrollbar-shadow-color: 777777;'+nl+ I think this will depend on the version of the Word document. len = l.length; //where = txt2html1.scrollTop if(document.editor.linkOn.checked && document.editor.menu.selectedIndex != 0) { document.editor.temp.value = cv1 secondLastC = bulkval.split('Response.Write "" & vbCrLf') Toolsocean.com Word to HTML Converter is a free online tool that converts your Microsoft Word documents into well-formatted html files. document.editor.code.disabled=true } txt.select(); r7 = r6.join(""); function convertToPERLb() String to HTML Online works well on Windows, MAC, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. Open the Word document you want to convert to HTML. Clean HTML. //if(isReg=="registered") { document.editor.load.value = "normal"} else { document.editor.load.value = "hobble"} How to Convert HTML to Word in C# ASP.Net. } document.editor.btOpt.disabled=false; for(i=bodyOnly.indexOf("<");i