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I agree with Captainmarlowe than one of the most important ideas to develop is more "education" for Sellers about all aspects involved in this business, and some kind of system that favors good and fair business practices and penalizes bad ones. How about Negotiated price? $300 + (280) $200 to $300 (315) $100 to . But now, I'm exploring a new platform which is Sketchfab. You said you have considered closing your store here, I get that but why not just keep it up? You just have to check the Sellers forum at Turbosquid to see plenty of complaints about all sorts of abusive policies. Yes indeed! Change Method. I do not know if community-policing has helped other sites keep their products better organized. Of course if you are buying models for the next Transformers movie the poly count won't matter that much because those models may be 500,000 each and you have almost unlimited resources to run those. I think this game can only be won by the best community building force and that is CGt. Hi guys, thanks so much for your very valuable comments, they are much appreciated and we are very happy to work with you in order to make CGTrader the best place for 3D designers! That basically says paying customers aren't allowed access to supposedly "free" items. I did not know about that. Not artist friendly at all, from uploading to statistics (Model views, downloads, and so on). According to TS "Marmoset Toolbag's watermark" is an overlay and a no no. it is a sad reality, some sellers are ready to buy a model of their competitor to post a bad rating. Chat with Support 24/7 Renderosity. I'm suggesting a collective of store owners. That definitely wasn't me hoe said that turbo. This is the Tesla Model 3. We are currently working to redesign the homepage to show off both CG and 3D print ready models. I'm even considering seriously closing my store here. I stumbled across the same issues! CGtrader might have better conditions, rules and everything but it's useless if it doesn't attract more buyers. Turbosquid immediately shuts any links down. I read here on the forum can't remember if it was Iterate CGI or someone else said that CGTrader will soon sell on Amazon and I can't wait for it to happen!! I can see how 3D modeling and 3D printing can be connected, but even that has to have a clear border for the customer. CGTrader will have to do so at some point, or people in search of quality models will simply avoid it. Sales dropped to almost nothing. Please let us know if you have any feedback. Rigged models are great for art projects, games, movies or VR experiences, because they save a lot of development time. Then someone from cgtrader decided that he likes 3dprinting sooo much. flob3d: I don't know if Jonathan invented the CheckMate, but what I can say is that Jonathan is a good professional and he often helped me a lot, so I have no complaints to make. In regards to product awareness and marketing it is also nice to have some special user cases to show off, there is no room to collect user case data in the Ts model. When a buyer leaves a bad rating for a lame reason , TS investigate and contact the buyer and if he doesn't give a serious explanation, Basically just like Turbosquid has done they have become the one stop shop for everything. @Supercigale, this is worrying to read, i think such things shouldn't happen. If I compare him with the founder of Ts, then it becomes clear to me we have a completely different relationship. A shitstorm war is going on between the "Wisdom" brothers & their Top $ Corporate Investors against Marius' CGtrader, who is leading the inclusive people that don't dance to the song of dangling shiny coins in front of their eyes just for the time being and the now. I am huge fan of the CGT team because they really try hard to make us happy. Closed my Ts account because it was completely useless and obsolete. As we think that CGtrader holds the best core for these kind of improvements, I would like to hear the opinion of Marius or any other CGtrader representative about the ideas recently proposed in this forum, specially:
This would allow genuine potential buyers to check the quality of models. In fact, I had taken deliberate steps to ensure that I included no content in my designs that could even be construed as overlap. You can just buy and return it if it is not to your satisfaction. This is critical information (to me at least) in regard to evolution and overall development of the products and services you want to deliver. Thingiverse remains the king for licensing, as you can transfer the licence within the site. Personally, I felt I in no way infringed on said IP. CGtrader.com3. Also could you elaborate on the search and going backwards issue? CG trader is the first helpfull professional website I've seen in 20 years. It was the most unpleasant experience. But at the same time they require all rights to the model, and the model is removed from sale at all sites. On other hand I could also think its just some clients that do not care about the price difference, they just prefer using the Ts account. It always depends on how you look at this industry from your point of view: - Are you into this market trying to make a living out of it? So even if TS takes 60%, I still make better profit there because here I get 94% of nothing. Lots of people buy posters to print and put on their walls especially students. While i've heard that TS support isn't that great in practice and they always tend to exploit sellers, but impression that they're making on buyers must be really good. Those are very interesting ideas to develop for the future. I hope I'll have better selling results there. And yes .. "CG Trader has made their world about 3d printing". I would even make the prediction that most of what will be left of Ts (following months) are the exclusive sellers, they will probably get very frustrated and come over here no matter what deals they made with Ts. The duality of 3D printing/CGmodels is a very complex marriage. That is the most important reason for them to be on CGTrader and it is essential to reward them for helping artist and the site earn money! How about the Royalty Rate??? After all everyone can afford to put down 1 dollar so it is reasonable. Yes, at this point the level of sales of the TS is higher than the CGTrader and TS has a more flexible search system. From point of buyer who wants to buy a classic 3D model (cg) there is no way I will start searching on cgtrader. just share your links (: I like both but prefer cgtrader all day. That is true, but im talking if buyer is already familiar with existence of CGTrader, he can reap all the benefits then. Hi John, you made very valid points. And precisely here is where I think resides the greater problem. Plus, if you express constructive ideas on the forums, you know you'll get listened to. Money in short term does not always pay of in long run. Advertising? I'm just an end-user, one of the people you guys sell to, and the site is a large part of the issue, in multiple ways. See this GFXHub where you needed to pay a fee before you could download 3d models of Humster3d, Turbosquid and many other. They then review the model and contact seller to fix it. ! And at the same time, if they periodically do something here, try to add something new, then the TS, as long as I remember it, does not particularly try to become convenient (But at the same time it takes most of the profit !!!). For example, make affiliation partnerships between people/storeowners possible.
Speaking of it, noting even stops me here from adding in the description of the model something like this,"If you are a maya exeprt and can successful convert this project, then I will completely refund you in exchange for that converted maya file". They will be very enlightening and useful to you especially if you have never built 3D models and don't know what to expect. Machines have already replaced people making their jobs irrelevant in many fields already more and more customer service jobs have become automated, many store sales positions now are not needed because so much is being done online, the tolls on the highways now only use fast track or you get a letter in the mail telling you to pay it because there is no one in the booth anymore so you can't pay it on the road. If the buyer decided to buy after inspecting a sample, the seller would deduct the sample price from another 3d model. Sometimes you have to support the buyer. http://content.screencast.com/users/Lenwe/folders/Default/media/d7b76144-43db-4cbe-b27b-8ea42b3a7cb0/TurboSquid_Low_Sales.png
Also, trying to find an item that I already saw through the search is near impossible. Hey there, google3 2. 3D Model characters people woman This is a photorealistic high-quality 3D full-body scan female character It has been sculpted and optimized for animation and game engines with a clean topology. New content is not provided to the on "Turbo" site. Maybe I live in an unrealistic parallel reality, where at least some people still have some dignity and know how and when to differentiate good vs evil and take a public stand with actions instead of just words. We made this limitation to protect our designers from leechers who download hundreds of free models and then try to monetize them in some other way. I'm about to bail on this site now - unless I can find any other topics that I might be qualified to post toapparently if I'm friendly enough I can earn some points, but it's seriously unlikely that I'll find any topics to which I can actually contribute. Blendswap.com5. The age of 3D models is over and people have moved on to 3D printing. Care to share your time machine? We are looking for contributors. The other issue is that Turbosquid has been out there for longer. You can change your subscription preferences at any time in the account settings.
And IMHO search is an area where CGT shoul focus first. Just uploading on turbosquid is a pain in the butt. 3D Bala - Female Rigged Character 3D model ma, ma, obj, and fbx TurboSquid : , , 3D . A serious problem indeed about Turbosquid is its policy of setting up barriers to avoid having a direct link to customers (this includes banning of al communication technologies). The art is to do it structurally organized and easily navigable and then it is a matter of giving the people the right tools and they will do the rest issue I think. TS management is by far the worst in history, they are great at Hostile take overs, yet bad at dealing with the realities of industry, i stopped all my affiliate links with TS and right now i'm sharing only the links for my products on CGT and Art station. I wont be using TurboSquid due to their royalty system and the fact that I would have to hunt down non-existing forms to prove I am not an American resident and thus avoid paying 30% govt. Especially if the buyer asks to change something in the configuration of models or to clarify details. The basic approach would be that every user start with a selection of a store template (including own label option and menu creation capability's) and starts filling his store with own products and products found in the large collective database. Looks to me like they are providing a very content creator friendly environment. - Limiting, perhaps, the number of objects that can be uploaded in a row, to avoid having the front page confiscated by a single seller when ticking the "newest" filter. What's lacking? Login to PayPal to add your account as a payment method. - Explaining on a personal basis to certain designers, even under banning threat, that creating very basic objects afters tutorials and selling them for 10$ with comments like : "my best model ever" will only hamper CGTrader credibility ; also that taking a poser or DAZ model, posing it (or even rigging it) in another software and adding a few details to it is still an obvious copyright infringements, if not a simple steal Add a Payment Method, Add a Payment Chat with Support 24/7 I would like to see similar stats from other sellers, but CGtrader has been the 3D marketplace with the higher increase in sales for us without a doubt. There are currently no models in your cart. You could have a superman body with an iron man head and spiderman gloves. The more people ho place your item in their stores the higher your ranking for that product gets "in the pool that is". I have always been amazed at how TS can pull off their selling stunt, I've got better stuff AND cheaper on here than on TS but the sales over there totally dominate. When you search for specific models car, bike etc you usually end up finding a bunch of irrelevant models in there that don't even belong in that category and that is largely due to the fact that, they allow users to setup their own tags I could go on and on, it kept me puzzled. While this tactic worked very well at first and allowed to draw that many sellers in relatively short period of time, now it's time to think about buyers, as without them sellers will start to starve. Regarding sales, for me personally CGtrader is in lead with a small margin for almost 5 months in row now, I'm confident the difference will get even bigger (so let's be realistic Ts sales is dropping dramatically). And therefore it doesnt matter where it is. Market your products turbo squid does that for you i understand but if your trying to sell you have to show the customers where its at. Dude, I have from 500$ a month at SGtride and i don't feed fat Turbosquid bastards. So, CGT is the best guys ! Downside at CGTrader is as i've just been informed from Support is NO you can't sell the licence here and transfer it into another users name. http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/cgtrader.com, https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/exterior/landmark/notre-dame-de-paris-cathedral-61d97afb1b1a62861673c23f15b75c12, https://www.facebook.com/ActiveKetoGummiesAustraliaWebsite. --GENERAL--. Having too many high poly models in 1 scene can considerably slow down rendering times, work flow and even crash your computer making the entire scene unusable. Large studios with "turbosquid" collaborate very limitedly. What would be your opinion? It is all about customer reputation and perception. I'm also active for some time on other marketplaces as well (e.g. - Are you interested in just some quick cash grabs and extras here and there while you can, or would you like to be able to contribute to a fair market where you can make a living out of your passion? On the other side, CGtrader empowers the real content creators, giving them all kind of freedom regarding their products and image, and encouraging communication between customers and content creators. CGtrader is more in line with modern economics and following the model of open participation businesses, all these things make it have the hallmarks of successfully serving a growing team with highly ambitious members and top talented achievers (and also stronger support of the CG community itself). I have been studying their website from a buyers perspective thoroughly and I have noticed that; 1. Work directly with a 3D artist for your project. Searching for specific terms applying to a specific model, the results on Google are nearly on first page. The entire way of setting up your model seems backwards and chaotic. Rigged 3D Models | CGTrader 3D Models Buy or download free Rigged 3D Models Rigged 3D models are your best choice when you need a character or object to perform unique movements.
I don't get paid until the 3rd, but I thought I'd download some things, look at their quality, fill up a cart and get prepared to purchase when the money comes around.